
Download WinUAE 5.0.0
Download WinUAE 5.0.0

  • Copper is now cycle accurate, previously some special cases were not handled correctly.
  • Blitter line mode with invalid settings (for example width not 2, octant and line direction mismatch etc) is now almost accurately emulated.
  • Blitter timing is now cycle accurate (previously startup behavior and interrupt timing was not fully accurate).
  • Audio interrupt timing is now cycle accurate (Was almost fully accurate previously).
  • Serial port internal timing, interrupt timing, including SERDATR status bits are now cycle accurate (I used serial port interrupts as a timer in my cputester real 68000 interrupt timing tests).
  • Timers were accurate previously but now also interrupt timing, TOD counting, CPU/E-clock sync, and more, including undocumented side-effects are cycle accurate.
  • CIA emulation is now fully cycle accurate.
  • Custom chipset interrupt timing is now cycle accurate.
  • 68000 emulation is finally fully cycle accurate, last missing part, interrupt level change detection timing, is now cycle accurate.
  • download WinUAE 5.0.0

    New hardware emulation features and update

  • Disk status/interrupt timing is not fully confirmed yet.
  • Not all blitter line draw width != 2 (invalid line draw configuration, normally not used) conditions are 100% accurate.
  • OCS and ECS Denise mid screen resolution changes are not pixel perfect, correct chip model specific bit pattern is not emulated yet.
  • download WinUAE 5.0.0

    Lots of expected and unexpected hardware features found and implemented.įeatute updates that got delayed but will be implemented in 5.0

  • Big thanks to ross for writing test programs that required perfect cycle accuracy.
  • 68000 based unexpanded (with optional Slow or Fast RAM expansion) configurations are now 100% cycle-accurate.
  • De releasenotes voor deze uitgave kunnen hieronder worden gevonden. Voor een kickstart en programma's is Amiga Forever een mogelijke oplossing, met prijzen vanaf 10 euro.

    download WinUAE 5.0.0

    WinUAE draait op Windows XP en hoger, en de download is nog geen 10MB groot. Meer informatie kan op het supportforum worden gevonden. Hou er wel rekening mee dat WinUAE wordt geleverd zonder kickstart, bij wijze van spreken het bios/de firmware van een Amiga, of andere software. Alle modellen, vanaf de allereerste Amiga 1000 tot en met de Amiga 4000, worden ondersteund. Deze Windows-port van de UAE Amiga-emulator is in staat om een Commodore Amiga perfect te emuleren.

    Download WinUAE 5.0.0